Have you dressed your tree yet? We did ours last weekend and it was as much tiring as it was fun to do! Somehow halfway to taking out the tree (yes, we have a fake one - a six footer!) sorting the decorations, untangling the lights, it became quite a chore! The good thing is, having a very anxious 9 year old and an overly helpful almost 2 year old on hand to help, well, they made it a lot less work for me because I gave them free reign to dress the tree, and you know what? It came out really well! Once the tree was done, the end results made everyone gaze in wonder and we all had a big silly grin on our faces!
I've been thinking about the origin of the Christmas Tree, where the idea of it came from, if there were different types, etc. Did you know the Germans had something to do with the first tree? Or that the first tree in the United States might be from 1777?! Well, read on: Christmas Trees
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