For the shear joy of it, I just love to dance! I do it for the exercise, I do it for the freedom! The freedom to express myself in movement, almost as if I become someone else. I think I missed my calling! Yep, I should have become a dancer. I can't remember when dancing wasn't a part of my life. As a young girl growing up I was in a dance group called the Mighty Titans! We were a group of four girls who lived in the same neighborhood and loved dancing. We wanted to appear on our local television at a very popular kid's program at the time in Jamaica, named Ring Ding! It was hosted by one of our most beloved entertainer & personality, Ms. Louise Bennett, OD, affectionately called Ms. Lou! And we did! I don't remember all the details, but we became popular with the kids and made more than one appearance! We had tenacity, & so we succeeded at our goals! We even danced at the Prime Minister's house too! Wow, now that I'm thinking about it, those were some fun times!

As I got older I loved dancing at the discotheques (as they were called back in the day) and once I got on the dance floor, there was no getting me off! Throughout the years I've continued to enjoy dancing, while I might not be able to do some of those very popular dance styles, I just love doing it for the love of it!
Working out has become a chore. I don't know what has happened this early in the year? Um, that's not true, I do. The weather, being extremely busy at work, changes that have happened around me that somehow has interfered with my motivation to exercise. So this evening after watching Paula Abdul's new program, Live to Dance, it reminded me of the fact that I DO LOVE TO DANCE! So I slipped in a CD and danced for a while, and in the process, I got my workout! Sweet! Now I feel inspired again to keep moving and to continue on my weight-loss journey.
The hard part is not actually moving your body, the hard part is finding the motivation to get there, because once you're there, in that place (the gym; your fav workout spot; wherever!) you do what comes naturally and nothing can stop you!

As I got older I loved dancing at the discotheques (as they were called back in the day) and once I got on the dance floor, there was no getting me off! Throughout the years I've continued to enjoy dancing, while I might not be able to do some of those very popular dance styles, I just love doing it for the love of it!
Working out has become a chore. I don't know what has happened this early in the year? Um, that's not true, I do. The weather, being extremely busy at work, changes that have happened around me that somehow has interfered with my motivation to exercise. So this evening after watching Paula Abdul's new program, Live to Dance, it reminded me of the fact that I DO LOVE TO DANCE! So I slipped in a CD and danced for a while, and in the process, I got my workout! Sweet! Now I feel inspired again to keep moving and to continue on my weight-loss journey.
The hard part is not actually moving your body, the hard part is finding the motivation to get there, because once you're there, in that place (the gym; your fav workout spot; wherever!) you do what comes naturally and nothing can stop you!
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