You've got to take care of yourself! If you don't take care of you, then you can't take care of others around you who you want to help. You can't take care of your family and you won't be of use to even you! So if you're one of those people who is usually so busy that you don't even have time to even use the bathroom as often as you need to, then STOP doing that to yourself and make time for the little breaks in your life!
Have you ever meditated? I have from time to time, and I do find it helpful to relax the mind. I've fasted on occasions and I do read my bible, admittedly not as regularly as I used to! Now don't switch the screen, this is not a bible-thumping-preach-at-you article! I'm telling you that you should do something that you enjoy that will get your mind away from the daily stresses of your life. It is good to take a moment to 'step' out of ourselves because this allows us to see things differently and most times we can solve a problem we have by just doing that! I can tell you that even I sometimes forget to do it, but when I do calm down and remember hey, do this, and I do, it works wonders! A friend of mine sent me this link and I found it very interesting!
Something like this, a broken eye blood vessel, can be the cause of any number of occurrence. It can be stress related, health issues like diabetes or high blood pressure, or it could be something as simple as a sneeze or cough! Who knew! I'll be following up on this for sure! As anyone else would do I Googled it to see what else I could find out about it. It seems that it is a more common occurrence among a lot of people! I found a very informative write up on it and am linking it below!
A broken eye blood vessel, I have one, I was wondering what that floating jelly-like substance was in my eye! At first I thought it was a hair that fell on my eye and tried to get it out, it wasn't, so good thing I had an upcoming optician appointment. That was the verdict upon examination. Now I go on to see a specialist just to make sure that everything is OK.
Something like this, a broken eye blood vessel, can be the cause of any number of occurrence. It can be stress related, health issues like diabetes or high blood pressure, or it could be something as simple as a sneeze or cough! Who knew! I'll be following up on this for sure! As anyone else would do I Googled it to see what else I could find out about it. It seems that it is a more common occurrence among a lot of people! I found a very informative write up on it and am linking it below!
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