I'm giggling at the moment because I'm looking at my old pots entered in a contest that I almost forgot I entered!lol! On a whim and for the sheer hell of it I took a photo of these pots and sent it in to the Craptastic Pans contest -
Now you have to understand, I love those pots. They've been the reason for some great cooking! I love to bake my lasagna or chicken in the bigger one. The smaller one is what produces the most perfectly fried eggs - yes, I suck at it - some things I'm good at, frying eggs, not my forte! The dutch pot has been, and still cooks a mean curried chicken dish! So heck, I love my old pots! But alas, they do need replacing! So I have no idea if I won, or will even place, we'll see!lol!
Now you have to understand, I love those pots. They've been the reason for some great cooking! I love to bake my lasagna or chicken in the bigger one. The smaller one is what produces the most perfectly fried eggs - yes, I suck at it - some things I'm good at, frying eggs, not my forte! The dutch pot has been, and still cooks a mean curried chicken dish! So heck, I love my old pots! But alas, they do need replacing! So I have no idea if I won, or will even place, we'll see!lol!
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