Sometimes there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. It's already Thursday and I'm still up. Mind you I have to get up really early, at 5:30am to make sure my house gets up and get started for the work/school day! A mom's work is never done! I remember when my mom used to get up at 5am and I always asked her "Why?"....yeah, know I know!lol! Moms are such treasures. We love our family and will do anything for them. Sometimes though family seem so ungrateful don't they? They do take us too much for granted. I remembered when I did that to my mom. I never realized just how much until I got older, that is when I appreciated her more!
So many of us take other people for granted. We shouldn't. If there is someone in your life who does a lot for you, even a little tiny bit, to make your life better, take a moment to say "Thank you" and/or "I appreciate you", or even just to let them know how well they're doing. You would be surprised how much those words are appreciated!
So go out there today, and say something nice, to anyone who makes your life just a bit better today, yeah, even the girl or guy at the take out window! Do it randomly, you'll see how good you feel!
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