That darn scale!

I'm highly convinced that the scale at the doctor's office is rigged! Why you might ask? Well, it never seems to give me the correct weight! It always tells me I'm fatter than I know I am! It did that to me yesterday! Then again, the nurse did that flip thing she does with the scale slider, I just saw it going up and up and I cringed! Plus she didn't even do it carefully! I love my doctor, she's the best! I love her staff, they're awesome, plus we always chat about my favorite things, shoes & handbags, and what the plan for the summer is (what new pocketbook we plan to buy!lol!), aren't they awesome?! I just intensely dislike that scale! And no, I didn't gain anything! OK, so I did, but not that much, I gained eight pounds.......rather awful! But I've already dropped three of that eight pounds because I'm determined to get this fat off of my body! So take that doctor's office scale!

I'm listening to Drake, the rapper. There's a FUSE Drake Takeover til 2pm today. I'm liking his music, plus I've always thought he was rather cute to boot! I won't lie, I'm old school rap rather than the newer more intense rappers, though I do love Nicky Minaj & one or two others. It's like how I love old school Reggae, but not so much Dance Hall which is more hard core. Mind you, there are some of the songs I like in either of those genre, but I don't follow them as closely! I do like dancing to a good rhythm too and Dance Hall, just like Rap, is famous for it's thumping rhythmic beats! It's amazing how much more my 9 year old knows about today's music, particularly Rap, than I do! She loves Rap, along with her big sister, while my 16 year old son loves Rock! Hubby is strictly Reggae & R&B, and we're talking old school such as groups like The Whispers, O Jays, etc., though he does enjoy some other R&B artists as well. Me, I'm a mixture of all of them, including those genre's they don't like! So you can imagine what riding in our van together is like!lol!
Work Out!

I am trying to get back to my workout-activity-filled-Saturdays! I got up and ran this morning. It felt great! I do know that if I want to get the body of my dreams, I'm going to have to continue working at it. So being consistent with movement will get me there!
It is not just with my fitness goals that I have to keep focussed on, I have to remember to get to some of my other personal goals too. I honestly have got to stop letting all the 'noise' around me get in the way! It is hard, no doubt, because everything does interferes, including me, getting in my own way, so I HAVE to FOCUS!
Knocking off my extra poundage...the five pounds should not be that hard and I will be back at the weight loss I've had so far. Then continuing on with the journey, that's the plan! You know I'm not beating myself up; stuff happens and I will fluctuate up and down with this journey of mine. The thing is not to let it get out of control and knowing when to reign it in! Hope you're doing even better with your goals dear readers!
Work Out!
It is not just with my fitness goals that I have to keep focussed on, I have to remember to get to some of my other personal goals too. I honestly have got to stop letting all the 'noise' around me get in the way! It is hard, no doubt, because everything does interferes, including me, getting in my own way, so I HAVE to FOCUS!
Knocking off my extra poundage...the five pounds should not be that hard and I will be back at the weight loss I've had so far. Then continuing on with the journey, that's the plan! You know I'm not beating myself up; stuff happens and I will fluctuate up and down with this journey of mine. The thing is not to let it get out of control and knowing when to reign it in! Hope you're doing even better with your goals dear readers!
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