Sounds familiar? Well isn't it about time you get on up out of that pile of poo and get yourself together? No more whining, no more pity parties, just get up and go for it - no more excuses! Get that naysayer out of your life or do something to let them just shut the fuck up because you've just about had it with their BS! The economy is hard as you know, so you can't quit that job but you can change your circumstances to make it work for you, even when it seems impossible, you can, JUST DO IT!
If you need to have that conversation with someone who has been making your life a nightmare, or they are not living up to their expectations, have at it! If you've been putting off something that you've been wanting to do because of one reason or another, do it now! Just get it done! No more excuses, it is time to focus on what you want, it is time to step out of the shadow and make your life what you want it to be!
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