2.8mi. 4007 Steps!

Unafraid To BurnNope, I'm not keeping a record, but this one is noteworthy and I have bragging rights!  I didn't run yesterday. I didn't exercise in any shape or form.  Last night was a special school event for my 9 year old.  I couldn't disappoint her, I had to be there, and I was!

This evening, minus my running buddy who is off sunning herself somewhere, or lolling in a cozy restaurant in vacate-land w/her other off, I geared up and went running!  I started off with a modest run and built up to a moderate sprint. 
Notice the words "modest" and "moderate", uh, uh - because I am not in competition with anyone.  I am here to get fit and stay safe while doing so!  I also want to enjoy the motion of running because it makes me feel really free!

I ran less than 30 minutes, AGAIN!!!! Yes!!!! I'm so proud of myself - BRAGGING rights! I covered the same distance, at least a bit more, 2.8 miles (usually 2.4).  So running a bit faster, for me, enables me to cover more ground!  My partner is awesome at this!  She covers twice the mileage I do!  I have not mastered my body when it comes to my workouts, not just yet.  I will have those days when I can hardly go, especially if my body is protesting and my mind tends to agree when it dost protest!  And I will have good days when I complete a great run, feeling fantastic and rearing to go even further!  OK, maybe not going any farther, not just yet; but definitely I am very happy to have completed our route!
