This morning my grandson woke me up, knocking on our bedroom door, calling out, "Grandma, grandma, open the door, let me in!" LOL! I stumbled to the door and open it. In bounded a very energetic two year old! He wanted breakfast. Now mind you, his mommy is there too, in their room, but no, he wants grandma, so I obliged!
Yesterday my run was great. I went even faster, 2.9 miles and my steps were more too. I realize as I get back into the motion of running and my muscles remember how good it used to be, I am getting better! Consistency is KEY! You have to put in the time or you won't lose anything! That is the same for anything you are trying to do. You have to put in the time for studying if you want an education, doing a good job at work, if you want that promotion or raise (they still do that despite the economy right?) (that's another story readers, sometimes some people get the raise, while some don't)! Anything that you want success from, you have to put in the time and you have to make it work!
Yesterday I also had a stress test done at the Heart Center. I was extremely nervous, never did it before, and I was worried something was wrong with me. However, they said I did so well, "showoff"! LOL! I was pleased to hear that. More tests to do next week. I'm just doing a preventive measure to make sure my health is in tact. I have a family history and I have other issues that spurred me into action on this path. More on that later!
Well it is the weekend, time to relax and hopefully have some fun! Fun that doesn't include me spending too much of course! It is sunny and nice for now. Yesterday evening all hell broke loose with the weather, wind, hail, lightening, was a mess! Better get out there and enjoy your day today dear reader. Don't spend too much time on the social networks, yes, I'm talking to you!
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