Sometimes we spend too much time trying to be what we used to be; we spend too much time trying to be where we have been before, whether that be physically, financially, or career-wise. We are not looking at the big picture when we try to fit ourselves into the mold of our past lives. It's like trying to force a square through a circle which refuses to fit! It is impossible! You won't fit because you have quite obviously grown and are not the same person you used to be. Thus you won't ever have the perfect fit!
Do we see this? Nope! We continue to fight, but for the wrong reason. We make plans, we visualize the new us, yet we continue to go after the past instead of moving towards the future. In order to reach these new goals, you have to totally throw out what you have done in the past. What worked for you then, might not work for you now. You need to strategise and come up with a new game plan that will fit how you are now. You can never forget who you have been because that is what has made us who we are today. There are just times when what we do cannot make us feel better. What happens to us won't sometimes be for the better. But we can get over and get ahead which helps us to move forward finding new joys in new things!
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