Like his dad, he would give you the shirt off his back and doesn't like to see anyone sad. I sometimes worry that this very kindness will let others take advantage of him. His little sister, Amanda knows just how to "play" him, as she does all of us, and even when I point out the obvious to him his response would be "Aw mom she's young, she's a kid", "Oh Adam" would be my thought as I leave them to whatever it is they were doing. Sometimes it is good to walk away and let them sort things out by themselves. I'm learning to do that a lot!
I often tell Adam that he is intelligent, smart and brilliant, because he is! I recently reminded him that he wanted to be a Scientist when he grew up, he said, "Yes, I remember, but I was only 4 then mom". Today he wants to be a Chef, and I told him that whatever career he chooses he will be really good at it! He used to be a junk-eating-soda-a-day person, now he is into eating healthier and enjoying the things he likes to do with avid appreciation! I'm proud of my 17 year old!
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