Body Type, body image

Body type, body images, how you you feel about yourself, (and) your body image gets more and more complicated each day!  The media doesn't help either, they just confuse us all!  For some women, this is not an issue at all, they love their bodies, lumps, or not, rolls, or not, thin, skinny, fat, short, long, curvy...if you fall into the "I love my body no matter what" category, more power to you!
You are one of the luckiest people in this world because you're comfortable with yourself!  But, and yes, there is a "but", is being comfortable with your body mean you are comfortable with yourself and who you are?  Would you consider this to be two different things, or one and the same?

That my dear reader is the million dollar question!  It is a very loaded question and one that needs dissecting don't you think?  Let's think about this for a moment.
