Brother can you spare the time?

Lately, I don't know where the time is going, but it is going rather quickly!  Just look at this year 2011, it's almost over, we're already in the month of October!  How the heck did that happen?  Well, that's a rhetorically silly question of course!  But you understand why I ask?  It seems that only recently we were ringing in the New Year, and now we're getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving in a month or so!  Why, just yesterday, someone reminded me that there were only 85 shopping days left until Christmas!!!!

I've made plans, maybe one too many because I have not accomplished half of them yet.  How sad is that?  I guess if you look at it in a negative mode, that's pretty sad.  However, putting a positive spin on it, I've completed some of the things I planned on doing!  However, because the time is going by rather quickly, it's time to take stock, look at what my plans were at the beginning of the year, and make better use of my time to do the things that I can do right now!

So if you're like me, with quite a "To Do" list, let's get to work, re-do that list and make it a "Done" list!

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