How Cool Are You?

Me, not so much, not cool at all! At least, when it comes to me knowing the latest dance move, and even doing them! Good grief, I remember when I used to be on the dance floor for hours! I used to hang with quite a cool crowd, I used to do a lot more...what the heck happened to me?

Is it getting older, or getting married that changes us?  OK, getting married is a given, there will be changes in your life, no matter what!  However, getting older you do tend to look at life a lot differently.  You see everything through "different eyes".  I watched the American Music Award with my kids a couple of months ago, some of the music I knew, especially the older bands/singers/music.....there weren't too many of those....but my kids were really up to par with today's music!  I'm not saying I'm totally out of sync but when I think about it, there are just so many different genres and songs to keep track of, so many new groups, I am sometimes clueless!  Most times if I hear the songs, I'll know which song it is, but putting the songs with the name of the group or individual singing......sometimes I'm simply stumped! Shhhhh.....don't tell anyone!

That got me thinking about how cool do I think I am?  Ha!  Apparently not as cool as I thought I was!  I try to keep up, I do.  But these days my attention-span is going out with the's that have now seem to be abandoned!  I'm a lover of most genre of music and really enjoy keeping up with what goes on in Social Media-land and the Entertainment-world. As a parent and an enthusiastic follower of life I have to!  I want to be able to watch a toddler related program with my grandson and interact with him on the things he likes.  I want to be able to laugh with my ten year old daughter at the programs that tweaks her interests.  I want to be able to understand what my 17 year old son is talking about when he tells me about the latest game or asks me if I've heard the latest song of the rock group he likes.  I want to be able to have intelligent conversations with my adult child when she asks me a question about what is going on in our world today or to talk sports or discuss any of the latest court-room dramas that usually tweaks my hubby's interests!

Being all of these things doesn't make me a supermom-wife-grandma....(or maybe they do?!lol!)...being able to show that I do know something about what is going on in their world...kinda makes me cool like that!
