In the spirit of continuing what I've started, I have begun to work out again. My promise to myself for this New Year is to exercise for at least 30 minutes daily and I do mean e-v-e-r-y-day! The caveat being, if I am ever too overwhelmed on any given day that the Lord gives me breath, I will at least workout vigorously for 10-15 minutes, and make up for that loss of time another day. This is my promise to me.
So far I am keeping that promise. Today is day 5 and I have already worked out for 30 minutes each day, since January 1...oh yes, I begun on New Year's Day! It doesn't matter how many other times I have worked out previously, the fact that I have begun again seems like the very first time-in like....FOREVER, and so I've felt every muscle aching after that very first day. Let me tell you, my body is feeling less painful today! On the morning of day three, my body ached, but it wasn't as intense. Today, I'm aching in all the right places, but it's a feeling-good-about-myself-pain! :)
My workout includes: stretching to warm up, then jump roping; upper body exercises, working my arms and shoulders; floor exercises wherein I work my flabby tummy, butt and thighs. I also incorporate moves to work my overall body, such as planking, downward dog (Yoga) and push ups (with the help of my exercise ball), squats, then doing more jump roping and ending with more stretching. I won't lie, It's hard and the fat girl in my head screams "stop-sit-down-and-do-anything-else-but-this-right-now!
But I don't think about it, I just do it and in no time at all, another session is over and completed! I vision myself looking SVELTE and TONED.....oh dream, Swim Suit Summer, here I come!
So far I am keeping that promise. Today is day 5 and I have already worked out for 30 minutes each day, since January 1...oh yes, I begun on New Year's Day! It doesn't matter how many other times I have worked out previously, the fact that I have begun again seems like the very first time-in like....FOREVER, and so I've felt every muscle aching after that very first day. Let me tell you, my body is feeling less painful today! On the morning of day three, my body ached, but it wasn't as intense. Today, I'm aching in all the right places, but it's a feeling-good-about-myself-pain! :)
My workout includes: stretching to warm up, then jump roping; upper body exercises, working my arms and shoulders; floor exercises wherein I work my flabby tummy, butt and thighs. I also incorporate moves to work my overall body, such as planking, downward dog (Yoga) and push ups (with the help of my exercise ball), squats, then doing more jump roping and ending with more stretching. I won't lie, It's hard and the fat girl in my head screams "stop-sit-down-and-do-anything-else-but-this-right-now!
But I don't think about it, I just do it and in no time at all, another session is over and completed! I vision myself looking SVELTE and TONED.....oh dream, Swim Suit Summer, here I come!

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