
Sometimes there are those moments in your life when you wonder whether or not this is all worth it...the stress that happens at times.  Sometimes it's not, and sometimes, it is.  Because what you go through leads you to a better place, that place where you should be.  It is good to let the bad things happen so that you can let go of that which you should have a long, long time ago. You know, like that old pair of shoes, that comfortable pair that you throw on in a quick minute and can wear all day, although it has gotten so old and ratty-looking but it's your constant "go-to" pair.

However dear reader, when you're in the "bad-things-that-sometimes-happens-to-good-people" moment, you wonder for the umpteenth time, "when will all this shit end"; you feel me?  Cause it's about time that you start getting some of those "good-things-that-happens-to-good-people" moments!  Like some of those people who hit the big times with a "million-dollar-lottery-ticket" moments; or that "it's-too-good-to-be-true-windfall" moments; or that "big-promotion-with-a-fat-raise-you-finally-got" moments~!

And if those moments don't happen to you, at least not at this moment in time, well, you keep on doing what you do, and persevere and you carry on waiting for your "five-minutes".  Because those "five-minutes" doesn't have to be with you being famous and the whole world knowing your name.  Oh no, your five minutes can be that moment you finally ink that delicious deal you've been working on for oh so long; or the moment the keys for your dream house finally gets handed to you; or you can finally afford to take your family on that dream vacation; or you can finally pay off your car; or you can finally pay that dang bill that's been driving you up the wall.....or even, you can FINALLY get that dream pair of shoes....whatever that moment is that you are waiting on dear reader, give it up to God, and wait patiently, cause your time will come, your MOMENT will be here before you know it, and your five-minutes will last a lifetime! Hold on to your love, hold on to that which sustains you, just hold on!

 All rights to this video belongs to the singers, writers & owners...I claim none.
