Musical Obsession - I'm Sexy and I Know It - Ricky Martin - Gleekified!!!

Can you imagine, the mucho sexy Ricky Martin...mad crush..he's gay, but so what?! He's gorgeous and such a beautiful person from the interviews I've watched with him.  I love beautiful people!  Then we have the song, "I'm Sexy & I know it!"..this song will always get you out of your chair and dancing, it does for me anyway!  And to top it off, you know I love musicals, TV musical shows, movie musicals...GLEE is a must watch for me! So all three make up my musical obsession tribute this week!  Thank God It's Friday dear reader, get your groove on and partay to the music!  : -)  : - )

Note: Video & song posted from YouTube. I do not own anything. Song, music, clips belong to the owners. Go to to see this & other videos.
