Hey you scientists of the world, new discovery needed...a workout recorder for my brain...because I get my best thoughts then! If you do invent it, give me my props, I thought of it first!lol! Now if I can only retain all of my creative ideas! Is that what happens to you dear reader? When you work out do you find yourself coming up with fantastic ideas and actually solving some of the issues you thought were problems in your life? Yes?! Me too! It's when I'm at my most creative. I do try to retain some of the ideas I come up with, but it doesn't always work! Regardless, my workout time (read "me" time), is also the time when I'm able to look at my life with much clarity and come up with new ways to do some things.
Belly Fat
I've been trying to stick to a schedule. It has not been easy. Lately, Amanda and I, and sometimes my grandson would go out and ride our bikes. It took a bit of getting used to again, but I'm back in motion, getting more comfortable being on top of two wheels! I will admit that I'm putting back a few pounds on and that is not going to keep happening! I have to continue with my workout and progress towards the fit body goals I set for myself!
Bragging Rights
I'm proud of my kids. I've come to realize what shakers and movers they are! My baby girl Amanda is once again on the Honor Roll at school. Now she's only in fourth grade, but if you are a parent, you know how difficult fourth grade can be. She has another feather in her cap too, on Friday she went to school to receive a orange badge because she is now on the Safety Patrol! She had to take a test and write an essay as to why she should be chosen to be on the Safety Patrol team. Then she meets with the committee...can you imagine all that?! I wasn't even there. She went after it all by herself and got it!
My oldest daughter is almost done with her first years studies and is on her way to becoming a teacher. She graduates from the state college in May! She's been working real hard and it's paying off. She's set to go on to the University in the Summer. She also set her goals to do her own business and is making it happen!
My son is staying focus. You have no idea how wonderful it is to write those words. It hasn't been easy. He went off track a bit and he's staying the course and I'm so proud of him. He just received his SAT scores and did so much better than we expected. Oh, we knew he would do well. Just not how well. I've often told him he has a brilliant mind, and all he needs to do is focus and use it more. I'm a proud momma!
We are all a work in progress. Who isn't?! But setting your goals and going after what you want in your life, well, if you don't do it, then who will? No one! You can't sit and wait for things to fall into your lap. Unless you're one of the elite people with all the great contacts of course! It's never easy when you're trying to live your life and achieve your dreams. Sometimes for some of us, life does get in the way and take us off course. But it is never too late to get back on that path to making your dreams come true.
Belly Fat
Bragging Rights
I'm proud of my kids. I've come to realize what shakers and movers they are! My baby girl Amanda is once again on the Honor Roll at school. Now she's only in fourth grade, but if you are a parent, you know how difficult fourth grade can be. She has another feather in her cap too, on Friday she went to school to receive a orange badge because she is now on the Safety Patrol! She had to take a test and write an essay as to why she should be chosen to be on the Safety Patrol team. Then she meets with the committee...can you imagine all that?! I wasn't even there. She went after it all by herself and got it!
My oldest daughter is almost done with her first years studies and is on her way to becoming a teacher. She graduates from the state college in May! She's been working real hard and it's paying off. She's set to go on to the University in the Summer. She also set her goals to do her own business and is making it happen!
My son is staying focus. You have no idea how wonderful it is to write those words. It hasn't been easy. He went off track a bit and he's staying the course and I'm so proud of him. He just received his SAT scores and did so much better than we expected. Oh, we knew he would do well. Just not how well. I've often told him he has a brilliant mind, and all he needs to do is focus and use it more. I'm a proud momma!
We are all a work in progress. Who isn't?! But setting your goals and going after what you want in your life, well, if you don't do it, then who will? No one! You can't sit and wait for things to fall into your lap. Unless you're one of the elite people with all the great contacts of course! It's never easy when you're trying to live your life and achieve your dreams. Sometimes for some of us, life does get in the way and take us off course. But it is never too late to get back on that path to making your dreams come true.
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