What would your headstone say about you? I know it’s a morbid thought dear reader, but what would others, your family put about you on your headstone? Other than the required, “Good father", or "Good son", or mother, wife, etc.? Have you ever thought about it really? I watched a program on television sometime ago and they talked about people whose headstones read like a mini novel!
I've also seen on the news where some headstones of the
future will be a video or ‘live’ picture. Wasn't there a movie like that starring Robin Williams? In one of my favorite Science Fiction movies, Serenity, the people who died had headstones that were like that! I thought that was just so cool!
I guess if it were possible, there would be headstones with
“He was a great lover” or “She was one great cook” or “He was a great teacher”
on it - then again, they probably do exist already! Perhaps some are even out there with even more
information than some of us want to know!
You know how some people have big egos!
I don’t know what I would like mine to say. I’ve thought about it but haven’t come up
with anything yet. Whatever it is, I hope it will tell about the type of person I am and I hope it will be a fitting homage!
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