Fear - how powerful is it, really?

Fear of an object, a person, the unknown. To me it depends on how it is used dear readers, and also on who is using it.  We each have something that we are afraid of.

Anyone using the grip of fear as power over another can use it as a weapon to destroy that individual and everything that person stands for.  This is a very bad thing!  Fear should never be used as a weapon.  It should not be a means of intimidation.  It should not be the only way that a person will get the result that they seek. Fear when used in such a manner isn't a means of encouragement; rather, the end result of that type of action often ends in the wrong way.  It is a tool being used to hurt, going so far as to cause emotional distress; it leaves an individual feeling dissatisfied and quite vulnerable!

If you are using fear as a motivator to goad you into action, then good, it can be a great motivator!  You will not be inactive but will be reaching for that ultimate goal which is your destiny. Fear gives some people the incentive they need to keep themselves going.  Fear can keep you hanging on for dear life because if you let go, then perhaps, everything you know for sure would be gone.   Or maybe, just maybe, this fear would be the kick in the ass you need to push forward and out of your comfort zone enabling you to grasp the dream that has been in your subconscious, but which you were too afraid to even attempt to try!

You will come to realize your dream! You will wonder why it is that you never did this before?! Turning fear into motivator can have you feeling passionate, energize, and creative!  
