The Perfect Storm

The storm of the Century is beating at most of our doors this year.  My family in Jamaica experienced it, thank heavens they made it through alright.  Not so good for some people on other islands.  We here in Florida made it through unscathed, thank heavens. On Friday evening when the rain was pounding us and the wind was so heavy we got a little worried wondering if it was really going to come at us full force, especially hearing that it was 234 miles out from us.  Wow!  It drifted off elsewhere and as New York and others in the Tri-state Areas and other Northern states brace for what might be, let us all pray for their safety!

As the storm outside battles and carry on what it does, (being a storm of course), there are storms within that needs attending to.  I'm referring to the emotional highs and lows that goes on inside of our heads and our hearts dear readers.  We can be quite a basket full of worries at times.  Taking problems all on ourselves, sometimes needlessly.  In order to get to that place of calm and well-being, we realize that we do have to let some of the shit we carry on ourselves go.  We have to let go!  I realize that as well!  Yes, we worry, yes, we want our lives to be perfect, the perfect jobs or career, the perfect special someone, the perfect family, the perfect friends, but we can't have everything it seems.  At least, so many of us seemingly can't, and it's not for lack of trying!

It's not you, no, it's not!  I know it's not me either!lol! And so we mustn't give up on ourselves, not at all.  I firmly believe that the God that loves us, the God that put us here on this Earth, didn't do so to make us all suffer, not like this, and certainly not forever!  Don't let others make you feel less than you are.  No matter what they do and say. It's not you, it's them! That's the attitude we all should take!  So stop it, stop beating up on yourself!  And lastly dear readers, it's time to really let go of those and anything that brings you down. You've been extending the hand of friendship, love and forgiveness for so long; don't stop doing so, because it will help you to heal. But do stop trying to be what others want you to be. Be you for you.  You've done your part.  Let the others who want to be a part of your life, do the work now.  It's up to them, not you.  You focus on you, focus your energy where it will be good for you, make your checklist and take it one step at a time!  If something you're working on doesn't work out the way you want, move on to the next item on your list, until you can figure a way around that problem!  So keep on working on your goals, and keep on believing in yourself!  
