Review Dukeo Blog Win $200

Today I discovered a new blog,, I followed the link to an article, "9 Ways to Run Your Blog Like a Small Business".

Then I noticed something else!  Guess what they're doing?  Having a contest in honor of their second anniversary!  Say What?! "Review My Blog, Receive $200"! Whoa mean, just by writing a review, sharing my opinion about their blog, I can possibly win $200?!!!! Well, why not! 

Upon further searching I discovered the owner of the blog is Stephane Kerwer, also known as Ste` Kerwer, from France. will teach you how to make money utilizing your website, and if you're more numbers oriented, how to drive traffic to your site! In short, he offers to teach  you how to   "Make Money Online, Affiliate Marketing, Mindset for Success, SEO Techniques and many more"

I'm liking Stephane's blog because I see where I can learn even more about the business side of blogging!  I've been asked to say what I don't like other than the fact that there isn’t much color, except for the graphics on some items, honestly, there's not much that I don't like because it's doing what he sets out to do, give information!

Edited January 18, 2013 - Oops blunder, corrected to change "she" to "he"!  Sorry Stephane! Thx for the correction (& adding me to the list of entries)! :) 

January 30, 2013 - The Winners! (nawwww..didn't make the cut!)
