Why don't I do it more often?

Get on up & dance!
I was sitting in my living room, having had dinner, relaxing for the evening.  I forgot what program I was watching, I think it was VH1 or some other musically inclined programming.  I loved what I was watching, people dancing, grooving, moving their bodies, enjoying their movements, I felt the urge that has been snapping on and off in my brain recently, my body just didn't want to move, but now, the urge to move was too much so I jumped up and started dancing!

It felt good!  I was so into what I was doing I didn't realize my daughter was standing there watching me, then she joined in!lol!  We had fun dancing.  She reminded me of how much I used to love to dance.  It reminded me too. Why don't I do it more often, I wondered to myself?  It isn't really being lazy....OK, some of the times I just don't find the energy!  However, when I do move my body, it energizes me so what's stopping me?

I'm making a determined effort to get back to movement, walking, running, dancing, stretching, anything that will get this body of mine going again. I've fallen into a rut of non-physicality, and it's getting me nowhere fast. In two months I will be OMG, another year up on the 40+ ladder!!! So this is the reason why I need to do it. Old age is setting in! bwwhahahahaha!

Remember those articles I wrote about my workouts, running and all that?  I remembered how hard it was to get myself started, but once I was doing it, how good it was!  I am returning to that page!
