Motivational Mondays: 4 Things You Can Do to keep You Motivated
My Vision board for 2014

I'm sitting here talking myself into staying motivated.  We are in the 20th day into the new year and time is moving fast, it seems.  While I am not losing my willpower, "IT", my goals just seems to be too much. I have a daunting task ahead with all I hope to accomplish and I will be proactive in making it happen.  There seems so little time to achieve them and then there's my need for instant gratification, wanting RESULTS NOW!! 

Constantly experiencing the impatience of the "stuff" that happens on a daily basis to make me question myself, you know, when life happens and I have to deal can be crippling. So yes, keeping myself motivated is sometimes quite challenging.

I have devised some ways to remain focus.  

1) I will stop looking for the top of the mountain before I actually get there. While it's great to look at the overall picture, knowing where I want to be in a year. This is like putting the cart before the horse and pulling it myself, which is totally defeating. You must never do this because you will feel overwhelmed.

2) It is better to focus on one goal at a time. This way you do everything that needs to be done for that particular plan. Create your "list of actions" that will get you moving towards your goal. That way you can check them off as as you accomplish each task. Or you can create a Vision board. I'm still working on mine.

3) When those "stuff" creep up on you, hopefully you can stop them in their tracks and handle them. Remember to treat problems the same way, take one thing at a time and deal with it. I am always praying for guidance to help me make the right choices. Believe me when I say that without God in my life, I would have no hope.

4) No matter how hard the journey, or how discoraged you might feel, do not give up! You have got to keep going and follow through with your goals so that you can live your dream. The glory will be yours, just stick to your plans. It is so easy for us to loose faith in ourselves, especially when nothing goes your way. This is when you let go of expectations and just let free will and the power of your God, or the Universe kick in. It is hard to let go, however, when you do, everything should fall into place! This is my learning curve.

Is your motivation back? Mine is too! Now let's go kick some butts! Hoorah!
