Get Your Life: What have you done?

It's a week since I asked what do you do when you are dissatisfied with your life? When things are not going the way you want them to...? It was a discussion to get not just you moving towards your goals dear readers, but me as well!
Did you do the "homework" I gave you?  What homework?  Well, go back to the article and read the last sentence.  ~Crickets~ ~Birds chirping~.......are you back yet?  Great! So, tell me, what have you done towards getting your life to where you want it to be this week?

Let me tell you what I've been up to.  Remember I keep talking about changing the look of my blogs, getting to where I want it to be?  I've begun doing that!  Finally, right?!  Yep. I'm enjoying myself creating the look I want and I can't wait to show it to you. It's going to be a while longer for the big reveal.  It is a three-fold goal which also involves some of the other things I've always wanted to!

I've also done some research and looked into other offers that I've been putting on the back burner.  I've even put myself out there for an opportunity of which I will share at some point on my blogs!  

I have been really motivating myself to keep my body moving and not stop working out. There are times when I cannot get out to workout, however, as long as I do something at least 3 times for the week...that keeps me on track to the goal I've set for myself.

Are you thinking to yourself as you read this, "Man she's been busy", yes I have.  But while I'm busy working towards some of the goals I have, it hasn't been problem free at all.  I'm faced with so much at times I can't tell you how difficult it can be to keep myself motivated.

Some of us experience difficulties that keeps us questioning and doubting ourselves.  At times like this we will be less motivated.  You have to decide to keep going, in spite of it all; because if you don't, you will get sucked into the mindless circle that ensues....that same circle that we have been in one time too many!

I have been saying out loud "I have to let go of the life I plan so that God can take me where I am supposed to be" to remind myself that everything will be alright.  Because I often worry about a problem after praying about it, not giving God a chance to do what he knows how to do. A reminder for me to let go, and let God.  

Hey, God does factor a lot in my life, and so I always come right back to him!  You can use your own Deity, whatever it is you use to keep your spirituality going.  In my opinion, he is everything, he is all beings.  

So moving on, now that I've shared what I have been up to. How about you?  Even if you don't share with me, I do hope that you will use this as motivation to work towards that goal of yours.  It does help to stay focus though doesn't it, when you share some of your goals, and/or fears, with someone?  There are definitely some things you should keep close to yourself until it is time to let others in.   Now that you have begun, don't stop!  Continue moving forward, take that class you've always wanted to take, you have to choose a subject right?  Or decide which school/learning source you will use; get that hair cut, empty out that garage, organize your closet....?  It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it is something you have been meaning to do, or have always wanted to do, and you take one step towards getting it done! Now you know the drill, let's meet up again next week, and share.
