I do hope you have enjoyed reading with me about things you can do to make changes in your life for the better dear readers. It doesn't matter what your plan is for, if you want changes in your life, you will need to have a plan, aka goals. A plan that you will put into effect going forward, starting now. You cannot sit out on the fence any longer. We have to make things happen for ourselves because no one else will!
With that in mind, have you thought about what is next on your agenda, what do you plan on doing?
My plan is to continue to read everything that I can about what it is that I want to do for me. To seek out offers from those who are able to help me to get to where I want to be. To also attend seminars, webinars, workshops, even if I can't afford to physically be present at any of them. These days there are a lot of hiccups in life and so I seek out those that offer their services to the masses without costs involved.
Most likely, if you attend a free seminar/webinar, you are given the opportunity and/or option to continue at a cost you can afford. The fact that there are these types of opportunities to learn from others like this is wonderful. So do jump at and accept them whenever you recieve an offer such as this.
As I continue to be there for those who need me; I plan to be there for me too. I will no longer put my needs on the back-burner. That is a decision that you have to make for yourself. If there is anything that is holding you back from your goals, try to see what you can do to change things around which will enable you to do what you want to do. You won't know until you ask, or try, or communicate with someone in your life.
I will continue to share with you any opportunities that come my way that you might be interested in. I'll continue to share new and innovative things on my blogs; and we can learn together! ~smile~.
If you ever have a question about something, need to talk, want to run your ideas off someone and no one is around, I'm here for you. If you don't want to talk to anyone, write it down, your thoughts that is. Sometimes when you write your thoughts and/or ideas down on paper, you can then sort through it, and believe me this helps a lot. And do you just remember the big guy upstairs? Yes, God, is there for you too. I told you already that He and I have that relationship where I can talk to him anytime, anywhere! You can too.
Now, go out there, make a difference in your life. Don't sit on the sidebar anymore. No matter what comes at you, don't let those who do, think that you don't have a say anymore at what happens to you. You do. This is your life, Go. Get. It!
{If you've read the entire series of my Get Your Life articles, I know they can be really long, especially this last piece. Thank you so much for reading with me! Please let me know if they have been helpful to you in anyway. A reminder that I'm not a psychologist, or any kind of analyst or doctor. I'm a human who cares about others, who loves to help, and share thoughts and opinions. I love interacting with like-minded people, and welcome you to my world!}

With that in mind, have you thought about what is next on your agenda, what do you plan on doing?
My plan is to continue to read everything that I can about what it is that I want to do for me. To seek out offers from those who are able to help me to get to where I want to be. To also attend seminars, webinars, workshops, even if I can't afford to physically be present at any of them. These days there are a lot of hiccups in life and so I seek out those that offer their services to the masses without costs involved.
Most likely, if you attend a free seminar/webinar, you are given the opportunity and/or option to continue at a cost you can afford. The fact that there are these types of opportunities to learn from others like this is wonderful. So do jump at and accept them whenever you recieve an offer such as this.
As I continue to be there for those who need me; I plan to be there for me too. I will no longer put my needs on the back-burner. That is a decision that you have to make for yourself. If there is anything that is holding you back from your goals, try to see what you can do to change things around which will enable you to do what you want to do. You won't know until you ask, or try, or communicate with someone in your life.
I will continue to share with you any opportunities that come my way that you might be interested in. I'll continue to share new and innovative things on my blogs; and we can learn together! ~smile~.
If you ever have a question about something, need to talk, want to run your ideas off someone and no one is around, I'm here for you. If you don't want to talk to anyone, write it down, your thoughts that is. Sometimes when you write your thoughts and/or ideas down on paper, you can then sort through it, and believe me this helps a lot. And do you just remember the big guy upstairs? Yes, God, is there for you too. I told you already that He and I have that relationship where I can talk to him anytime, anywhere! You can too.
Now, go out there, make a difference in your life. Don't sit on the sidebar anymore. No matter what comes at you, don't let those who do, think that you don't have a say anymore at what happens to you. You do. This is your life, Go. Get. It!
{If you've read the entire series of my Get Your Life articles, I know they can be really long, especially this last piece. Thank you so much for reading with me! Please let me know if they have been helpful to you in anyway. A reminder that I'm not a psychologist, or any kind of analyst or doctor. I'm a human who cares about others, who loves to help, and share thoughts and opinions. I love interacting with like-minded people, and welcome you to my world!}
Love it. You are such an aspiration! I look forward to reading more. -Tanisha, GlamCurvy