Musical Obsession: Free Music from Google Play-Demi Lovato

My goodness, free music album!!!  I'm totally stoked! Google Play is at it again, giving away free music dear readers.  This time it's Demi Lovato's music.  I have admired Demi's work because my pre-teen Amanda is a big fan and loves her music.  So of course mommy tunes in  and have become a fan too!

I've already downloaded my free music, if you haven't yet, go on over to Google Play and check it out.  If you downloaded Katy Perry's Prism from my last Musical Obsession write up, you already have your personal information (aka debit/credit card) and this download will be a cinch!  Didn't I tell you, $0.00!!! No charge! Woot!

I've been listening to the DEMI album and like what I'm hearing so far.  Amanda's favorite song is Neon Lights.  Let me know which song you like the best.

You can go to the link I've already shared from the first day on Google+: Demi Lovato's, Demi 
