Musical Obsession: Head Above Water - Theory of a Deadman

It's not Friday, it's Hump Day.  You know this already dear readers.  There are times when we all need a boost, today is such a day, such a moment.  So here goes for those of us who need this to remind you, and me, that tomorrow will be better, let's not give up, ever!  Keep your hope, and remember to reach out to those around you when you need support. If you do and no one is there, don't let that stop you, find one of my prose, read it. Drop me a line. Pray; go run, workout, window shop, read a good book, whatever it will take to get your frame of mind centered!  Have a fabulous day!

Note: This video is uploaded from You Tube. I do not own the rights to the music, lyrics or images.  This music was chosen for it's musicality and to assist me in writing this article.  If you are the owner and would like it remove, please send an email, see my Contact tab. Thank you.
