Think about this, have you been really doing what you want to do? Is where you are in your life right now where you want to be, where you are meant to be? Have you been getting these little nudges to do something else? If you have even the slightest feeling of discontent about any areas of your life, you have to do something about it. You have to go out and re-discover you.
As I continue my journey of self-discovery, motivating myself into action to be who I am meant to be, I am enjoying myself again, learning to be content with who I am, and where I am. It's not as if I wasn't happy or living my life. Rather, I wasn't living enough for me. When you live for you, your truth, your beliefs, you will attract all that is good and authentic to your life.

Learn to be content where you are, and you will have all that you desire. It won't come to you out of the blue though, you have to claim it! Remember my Get Your Life series of articles? You can refer to them as you continue on, or begin your journey. I like to refer to them because it helps to keep me focus.
Have you decided what it is you want to really do? Are you making any changes in your life right now? Do you want to? I am curious to know if you too are on this journey, or whatever you are doing to make a difference in your life. Leave me a comment so we can have a fantastic discussion.
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