What is going on dear readers? Those of you in the USA, especially in and around my local neighborhoods...where is Christmas?! I hope you readers overseas have already decorated, right?!
I asked this question because I've noticed that there aren't as many decorations up thus far. I do see Christmas decor in the retail stores, but not so much at homes, or even in offices right now. I don't even feel that Christmas energy in the air the way I would in Christmases past. What is going on?
Now a good question for you to ask me dear readers would be, "Have you decorated your house yet for Christmas Donna"? My response: "No, I have not." And yes, the "What is going on" question is for me too! ~sigh~ I could weave you tales, but I won't.
However, as I sat in church yesterday (and I'm not saying that as if I go to church every Sunday because I don't), the pastor asked why aren't we, his congregation more happier at this time of the year? I perked up when I heard him asked this question because I intended to write this article for my re-post today. He then told us that as Christians, this should be our favorite time of year because it is the celebration of Jesus' birth! So yes, we should all be REJOICING! I so agree.
Christmas has become such a time of spending and lot's of "what am I getting"? that I think we have somehow lost the true meaning for this season. Add to that so many people being out of work, in debt, and with worries about what will be happening for them the next day, or even the next week, well, who wants to celebrate right? And let me not forget the unrests going on now over the injustices in our society, everyone is outraged and angry; no one seems to have love or peace in their hearts right now. While I can't say I blame them, because I too feel the outrage of the masses and also, being in an household that has experienced lost income, I can totally relate to thoughts about what tomorrow will bring.
However, as a humanitarian, and a child of God, I also wonder if everyone will ever come together to foster the goodwill of peace? This brings to mind the Christmas Carol with the lyrics, "Peace on Earth, goodwill to men...". I fervently hope we can somehow get to this point, not just at Christmas, but for all time.
So, while my decorations are not up yet at home, I decorated my office and it looks great! ~Yeaaah~. I will be doing the same thing to my home as soon as we buy our new tree, and that I can't wait to do! And now to the re-post!lol! ~Whew~ I hope you're still reading with me because you have got to go read about The Christmas Tree. How did it start? Where did this tradition came from? and more. Also peep the photos of our last tree...the very tree we had to throw out after using it because it had seen years of use and it was time for it to go. ~Oh the memories~.
So walk your fingers to the link below and let me know your thoughts about what I've talked about, your Christmas spirit and whether or not you will be decorating, and if you have already decorated, drop me a photo in the comments!
FOREVERSERENITY: The Christmas Tree: Have you completed your decorations yet for Christmas, if you do celebrate Christmas, and not Hanukkah or Kwanzaa? Have you decorated you...
I asked this question because I've noticed that there aren't as many decorations up thus far. I do see Christmas decor in the retail stores, but not so much at homes, or even in offices right now. I don't even feel that Christmas energy in the air the way I would in Christmases past. What is going on?
Now a good question for you to ask me dear readers would be, "Have you decorated your house yet for Christmas Donna"? My response: "No, I have not." And yes, the "What is going on" question is for me too! ~sigh~ I could weave you tales, but I won't.
However, as I sat in church yesterday (and I'm not saying that as if I go to church every Sunday because I don't), the pastor asked why aren't we, his congregation more happier at this time of the year? I perked up when I heard him asked this question because I intended to write this article for my re-post today. He then told us that as Christians, this should be our favorite time of year because it is the celebration of Jesus' birth! So yes, we should all be REJOICING! I so agree.
Christmas has become such a time of spending and lot's of "what am I getting"? that I think we have somehow lost the true meaning for this season. Add to that so many people being out of work, in debt, and with worries about what will be happening for them the next day, or even the next week, well, who wants to celebrate right? And let me not forget the unrests going on now over the injustices in our society, everyone is outraged and angry; no one seems to have love or peace in their hearts right now. While I can't say I blame them, because I too feel the outrage of the masses and also, being in an household that has experienced lost income, I can totally relate to thoughts about what tomorrow will bring.
However, as a humanitarian, and a child of God, I also wonder if everyone will ever come together to foster the goodwill of peace? This brings to mind the Christmas Carol with the lyrics, "Peace on Earth, goodwill to men...". I fervently hope we can somehow get to this point, not just at Christmas, but for all time.

So walk your fingers to the link below and let me know your thoughts about what I've talked about, your Christmas spirit and whether or not you will be decorating, and if you have already decorated, drop me a photo in the comments!
FOREVERSERENITY: The Christmas Tree: Have you completed your decorations yet for Christmas, if you do celebrate Christmas, and not Hanukkah or Kwanzaa? Have you decorated you...
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