I'm flabbergasted by some of the things I am hearing dear readers while watching a program on SBN television. The farce that is the health insurance companies that are supposed to help us, the people, and the doctors and their practices who give us the care we need are being railroaded! By whom you may ask? The Health Insurance Industry, those very companies who have become the controlling monopoly on what our doctors do for we, the people.

The doctors will do their procedures to care for their patients. Instead of being paid as their patients health insurance plan states, the doctors are sent a letter stating what they have done to help their patient is not a covered procedure. Then who gets saddled with that large payment? We do!
Here's another scenario: the patient needs help and has to go to their doctor to get care. Before the doctor can take care of the patient, he or she must pay off a very large co-payment before their insurance kicks in!!!! Which means, your doctor's hands or tied. Or how about the patient who has an appointment, after months of finally waiting, goes in to his appointment and is then told, he doesn't have one??!! He is then told that the doctor cannot see him anymore because he cannot fill the prescription the way he used to????
What is going on? We all need health insurance coverage, that is a fact. The uninsured are supposed to be insured now because that is the law, the health insurance companies has to give coverage to the masses and not just the select few.
But what is going on instead? These insurance companies are in fact rewriting the rules so that it continues to benefit themselves and shut the consumer out. They do this to earn more and more, and we get no coverage, and no care from our health care professionals. Then the cry goes out enmass that the insurance that our government has "forced" us to get is a sham, they, the government are doing things to make our lives more difficult, when in fact, the very organizations who are actually screwing us are the health insurance companies!
One of the things that continues to personally impact my family and me are the heavy co-pays we do have to pay before we can get treatment for our health care. Even going to the hospital you have to fork over a set amount of money before you can have your procedure done. It is a constant "pain" that as an employed individual with health and dental insurance, the health care my family receives is based on whether or not we can make the co-payments or we have to "save" up to pay before we do. In other words, which bill won't I pay for us to get the health care we need!
I find it absolutely amazing that in this year...now it's a New Year, 2015, we as a society are faced with such a dilemma. We as consumers need to be aware of what is going on and make the cry, enmass to our senators and other political representatives so they do the jobs we have selected them to do when we vote, and have the system work for us. These insurance companies are much like the banks, monopolizing the system while they continue to get rich off the backs of all of us.
Note: Insurance companies and other entities who provide health & life insurance do so within strict guidelines and codes as the laws dictates. They do a moratorium (aka simple process) or a full medical (aka more indepth) underwritings. They decide on what coverage each individual will recieve, according to your health history and other known or unknown factors. (more details can be read here)

The doctors will do their procedures to care for their patients. Instead of being paid as their patients health insurance plan states, the doctors are sent a letter stating what they have done to help their patient is not a covered procedure. Then who gets saddled with that large payment? We do!
Here's another scenario: the patient needs help and has to go to their doctor to get care. Before the doctor can take care of the patient, he or she must pay off a very large co-payment before their insurance kicks in!!!! Which means, your doctor's hands or tied. Or how about the patient who has an appointment, after months of finally waiting, goes in to his appointment and is then told, he doesn't have one??!! He is then told that the doctor cannot see him anymore because he cannot fill the prescription the way he used to????
What is going on? We all need health insurance coverage, that is a fact. The uninsured are supposed to be insured now because that is the law, the health insurance companies has to give coverage to the masses and not just the select few.
But what is going on instead? These insurance companies are in fact rewriting the rules so that it continues to benefit themselves and shut the consumer out. They do this to earn more and more, and we get no coverage, and no care from our health care professionals. Then the cry goes out enmass that the insurance that our government has "forced" us to get is a sham, they, the government are doing things to make our lives more difficult, when in fact, the very organizations who are actually screwing us are the health insurance companies!
One of the things that continues to personally impact my family and me are the heavy co-pays we do have to pay before we can get treatment for our health care. Even going to the hospital you have to fork over a set amount of money before you can have your procedure done. It is a constant "pain" that as an employed individual with health and dental insurance, the health care my family receives is based on whether or not we can make the co-payments or we have to "save" up to pay before we do. In other words, which bill won't I pay for us to get the health care we need!
I find it absolutely amazing that in this year...now it's a New Year, 2015, we as a society are faced with such a dilemma. We as consumers need to be aware of what is going on and make the cry, enmass to our senators and other political representatives so they do the jobs we have selected them to do when we vote, and have the system work for us. These insurance companies are much like the banks, monopolizing the system while they continue to get rich off the backs of all of us.
Note: Insurance companies and other entities who provide health & life insurance do so within strict guidelines and codes as the laws dictates. They do a moratorium (aka simple process) or a full medical (aka more indepth) underwritings. They decide on what coverage each individual will recieve, according to your health history and other known or unknown factors. (more details can be read here)
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