Musical Obsession: What's on your Music Playlist

Yes, you my dear readers.  You listen to music right?  I know you do, otherwise we wouldn't be friends. LOL! But seriously, what is on your music playlist?  Would you show it to anyone?  Would you be embarrass if everyone knows what you listened to?  Why, are they cheesy music?  Are they too benign?  Would they really tell the type of person you are?

Embarrassingly so?  hahahahaha....ok, I'll show you mine if you show me yours....yes!  Hey, do you have more than one playlist?  I do too.   I use music as a motivator when I workout so I have a playlist for that too; and one for when I'm moody; and one for when I need encouragement. I also have a couple for praises and inspiration.  Yep, my playlists are totally me! 

So, I'll paste half of one of my playlists in my next write up...and I'll put the rest of it when I've seen yours.  So come on, are you in, or are you going to be totally silent on me my dear readers?  Show me yours, I'll show you!

(this write up totally inspired by the movie Begin Again with Mark Garafalo and Keira Knightley...(with Adam Levine, Mos Def,'ve got to watch it if you haven't yet!!!) The soundtrack for this movie is oh so AWESOME!
