Musical Obsession: Jill Scott's Fools Gold

I know she didn't go anywhere. Jill has been around for a while and will still be.  She most definitely will always be on my music playlist and be one of the singers whose music I obsessively have on re-play in my ear.  

It was with some surprise that I recently received an email about Jill Scott's new album and tour that will be coming up really soon. I also received a preview/sample of her new single, Fools Gold and I tell you what dear readers, I am loving it!!!!! Go Jill.

So without further ado, I am sharing a link to the music and information about her upcoming musical tour.  Enjoy your Friday!  Happy TGIF!!!

Video uploaded from You Tube for musicality. I do not own the rights or lyrics to this video.  I will not profit from posting this video to my blog. You can click and watch here, or directly on You Tube.
